This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Welp.. It's been a while. I've got my public blog up and running, and I haven't needed to vent for a while. Things seem to be going well. Well.. ALMOST everything seems to be going well..

TaDa!! Time for a new entry!!

So.. First things first. Jeff is leaving for Cleveland (supposedly) on Thursday for four months. If it actually happens, it'll be a miracle. I can't imagine him actually doing something responsible and logical and sticking with it. He's all about quitting/getting fired. His cousins are supposed to be there, but that could only go so far. Anyways. I'm so excited to not get a million texts a day, to not have to pay child support to him for doing NOTHING, and to not have to correct things that he screws up for/with Brielle. It's about time. Unfortunately, Jeff is now saying that he's gonna follow me everywhere I move for the rest of my life.. to stay close to Brielle. UGH! I KNOW he gets off on making my life a living hell. Thank goodness I'm not gonna let him do it.

SECONDLY...(and not having to do with Jeffaroo)

So.. I'm pretty irritated right now. I really have no reason to be. Well.. I take that back. I kinda do. Everyone has their issues. Their prejudices. I happen to be one of them. Over the last six months (well.. my entire life really.. but..) I have been plagued by one specific race and gender combination. Russian women. OMG.. SO.. I think I've been pretty tolerant. Pretty forgiving and kept a stiff upper lip. But every once in a while I say something not very nice (usually something along the lines of "Stupid russian skanks") and yeah.. Why the hell should I be yelled at? I haven't done anything to them, but for some reason, I'm the subject of their hatred and animosity. I realize that said animosity is pretty one sided right now. However. I don't think that they should be able to trash me constantly to those around me that might be affected by such irreparable speech, and *I* am expected to just sit here and never say anything negative about them.. WHATEVER!!! STUPID WHORES! GO FUCK SOMEONE WHO ISN'T TAKEN OR DESTROY SOMEONE WHO ISN'T KIND AND GIVING!!! ERG!!!

K.. I'm done.. for now.. Sorry if I was.. No. I'm NOT sorry. I've put up with their bullshit for long enough. I'm gonna say whatever the hell I wanna say about them.. And Jake and Jeff can kiss my ass!!!

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