Obviously, I vent on this blog. My life is not horrible. Not anymore anyways. I have an awesome life. So rather than carry it around with me and freak out at people for really stupid reasons, I blog. It's a good release that i'd completely forgotten about. Until yesterday. Duh.
So. My mom. She freaking irked me today. I have a friend at work (joselyn) who is super cool. She's pretty opinionated, but drops things, doesn't get offended.. very nice thing to have to "deal" with. A couple of my co-workers (including me mom) don't care for her brashness. Meh. So my mom tells me that she doesn't care for Joselyn and that she knows that it was her idea for me to get her the plate that I gave her for Christmas. It's a diabetic plate. Basically, it has lines dividing the plate, so that you don't have to measure or count food, you can just seperate it out by filling the appropriate sections with portions of whatever food group. Basically, an easy way to balance your meals. Something that EVERYONE can use. Even the healthiest people need balance.
So my mom.. she says that she's on isogenix and she's losing weight, and the doctor tells her that she won't be diabetic for much longer and she the didn't need it (offending me of course, at the thought that I'd offended her 3 months ago and she never said anything). Whatever. It's still a plate. You can still use it for whatever you want. The thing that kills me is that this is the same doctor who freaking told my dad that he would call with results of a LUMP he had in his back that was making his hands go numb, and never did.. She's had other things come up with this doctor where he was wrong. So now she's saying she's not gonna be diabetic anymore. Bull. You don't just STOP being diabetic. Even if you did, you'd still need the correct balance on your plate. Hell, marathon runners need portion. It's called being healthy, which she obviously isn't.
So she tells me that if I need to balance my foods, I can have it back. I SPENT MORE MONEY ON HER THAN ANYONE ELSE. It was the ONLY present that I KNEW would be great. That I got in October, cause it would be perfect. Freaking decorated with wizards (cause she LOVE harry potter).. ERG.
And the kicker is that in saying all of this and the stupid ass argument that we had, she was acting EXACTLY the way she says Joselyn acts. The difference, of course, is that I'm venting about her. NOT Josey.