This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Being lonely sucks. I've had the most stressful week of my life (or thereabouts). I went dancing and had a lot of fun (even though the bar we went to kinda sucked), but here I am. On a Saturday night for the first time in 5 weeks, alone. The one week that I actually NEED to talk to someone. NEED to be held and comforted.. nothing. Why does work become so important that people can't see past their noses? Why can't they understand that getting ahead, doesn't necessarily mean working constantly? Money and power aren't the only things. Sometimes I wish that's what I thought, cause then things wouldn't seem so important or so painful. If THAT was the only thing I had to worry about, I'd be good to go. I dunno. Kinda seems like it's being bottled up and put into work. Not healthy, and most of all, for me at least, not making me any less stressed, sad, depressed, hurt, etc.

Sobbing is an uncomfortable way to fall asleep. But being alone while sobbing is almost unbearable.

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