This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

An Update from the Desk of...

You know.. Everytime I begin posting something, I start by writing "So.." then I realize that I say it all the time, so I change it to "Okay", but that's no better. Just a random thought.

ANYWAYS!! Since I haven't written in a couple days I guess I'd better catch myself up. I decided that I'm not as interested in "him" as I thought I was. I realized yesterday that he's seeing someone else, and I'm not jealous, so that I guess tells me something. I can get affection from him without BEING with him. And really, wasn't waiting for someone what got me into my (finally over with) marriage in the first place? So yeah. I'll just keep on keepin on, and have fun, accomplish what I want/need to, and if someone comes along and sweeps me off my feet in the meantime, great. Otherwise, Mr. Right will have to find me, cause I'm not Indiana Jones. I'm not gonna go hunting for my treasure!

In other news, I'm going back to my maiden name. I wasn't going to, cause I thought it would be easier with Brielle, and I kinda feel like I'm abandoning her, but if I end up remarrying anyways, my name will change, so I might as well NOT keep the name association. I would MUCH rather be associated with my family, and no reminder of all that. I waited so long to be a Brown.. But I love my family, and so yeah.. good times!

I went to the gym with Brielle and Patrick yesterday. It was cool to be able to take her to the daycare and let her play. I felt kinda guilty for dropping her off at ANOTHER daycare, but then I realized that this could get her in the habit of coming to the gym regularly, and get her out of the house and playing with other kids. And that is NOT a bad thing! SO, I'm not feelin so bad anymore.. Now I kinda feel more like I owe it to her and I'd be a badish mommy if I didn't. It's exciting to be losing inches and seeing a difference in myself and the reactions around me.I know it has more to do with my confidence, but still, makes me feel great!

SO.. Now that everything is final and over with, I'm super excited to see what the future holds. Things are looking up, finally, and I fully intend to take advantage of my freedom! Viva la vida Melodia!!

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