This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Things being what they are..

Nothing really major having happened.. I figure it's good to write a grounded, no drama blog every once in a while about whatever I decide to write. Let's see.. What's worth saying. So I guess first of all, Happy Thanksgiving. I'm grateful for my friends and family. My car, my computer, my job, Parker (my fish) and Gus (my turtle), my divorce being final, my super comfy bed with the Spiderman blanket, Spiderman (the thought that someone could be so human and so incredibly driven at the same time AND have a sense of humor is almost too much to handle), the gym, Starbucks, anime, professional organizers, shopping, Old Navy (the only place in Anchorage to get cute plus size clothing), and pictures. There are lots of other things but these are at the top of the list. There are some people that I'm particularly thankful for, but the list would be fairly long, and mostly consist of family anyways so I won't go there. But you know who you are. I love my mom. She's so giving and funny and supportive to a fault. She loves my friends and loves me and Brielle (I mean really, who doesn't right?) and she puts up with a LOT from me. She's my best friend and I hope I can be HALF the mom to Brielle that she is to me (and now, of course, I'm crying)..

I feel so much more free lately. Free from stress (cause I just decided to get rid of it), free from too much emotion (cause once again.. no reason to deal with too much of anything), free from clouded thought and apprehension. There is a clarity of purpose now that is validating and gratifying. I know what I want and I'm able to think in terms of those things. I suppose the bottom line is that I've decided to be happy. I've decided to do what's best for me and Brielle. And the results thus far have justified the path. So, I have a 4 day weekend. Today, we've had a few friends over. Jake and his mom came over for a couple hours for breakfast. Zach, Jamie, and the boys (Jason proposed to Jamie last night btw.. of course, he waited till AFTER I left.. jerk) came over. Zach had to go to his families house, but Brielle loved seeing her Zachy. Patrick will be over sometime later, as will G.G.. I have no real plans to go anywhere else, but I'm thinking the traditional movie would be fun, and maybe some Gears of War later with Jake. Killing things is always great stress reflection. Tomorrow morning Brielle, my mom, Jamie (and maybe Fran) and I are going shopping. Good times! I'm so excited. I love to hit the sales just to see the crowds. I won't be shopping.. I have Jake, Dad, and Brielle done for Christmas, and Frank's bday gift done, but still have a few more items to get. I have an idea of what to get Patrick and Frank, and Sarah's gift depends on what happens from now till then. And I know.. I don't HAVE to get anything for anyone, but Christmas GIVING is much better than getting, so leave me alone. Other than that, I'm not sure what I'm doing Sat and Sunday. I might go to the Peanut Farm again for football, but that depends. Most importantly I'm sleeping in and spending time doing things that will help me hit my goals.

Bueno.. I've rambled long enough. Jamie and I are gonna get this wedding planned and I'm SO excited. She's the greatest (almost) sister-in-law that I could have ever asked for, and Jason deserves someone who loves him as much as we do. She's making him almost tolerable (ALMOST)!! ;) Luv ya bud!! I love you all and remember you're all on my list of people I'm thankful for, or I wouldn't be letting you read this!! See ya'll on the flip side!

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