This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The pic is me in Hawaii about 7 years ago. Nothing whatsoever to do with my entry!!

I'm not exactly sober as I write this, so bear (?) with me as I may write a little more off than usual. So. Today I worked (if you can really call it that) then watched some Utena with Brielle. I must say, I'm really into this anime. I'm a little worried though, cause my favorite character is the one who is obsessed with her big brother. Strange little tidbit there. Moving on. We hung out, then I went to get Jeffrey and we ate, then hit Patrick's bar. Well.. I mean, realistically, I suppose it's not HIS bar, but he's the bartender, so that's good enough for me. I tried some crazy drinks. I really liked the cartwheel though.. bitter and sweet with lemon.. Mmm.. Anyway.. Then Nico and Tami called and wanted to go out, so I asked to come home. I'm tired, and I have that Passion Party tomorrow afternoon. It's gonna be SO much fun! I'm super pumped.. There should even be a few guys there. Good times! Yeah. But I haven't written for a couple days, so I thought I should.

Jeff has calmed down. Finally. He's realizing there isn't anything he can do about anything. Heheh.. Yes, I AM evil. Thanks for noticing! Crystal has been completely cut off. I mean. She says she didn't have the address to the blog, but I don't care. I like knowing who my audience is anyways. She said she thought I needed to understand what she said and why. I told her that I didn't need to understand anything having to do with her. As long as Jeff and I know what is going on and can deal with things having to do with Brielle, no matter what the difference of opinion personally, no one else mattered. That I didn't hate her, but I was done with her. Period. So there..
Meanwhile, Jason got in today from Cali, but was SUPER tired, so he crashed. I would have gone to Tom's for some Guitar Hero 2 (highly recommended btw.. Bass.. Yeah.. it rocks!), but I'm just feeling like sleeping this headache off would be FABULOUS!! So yeah. That's it I think. Just gonna say hello to all the hotties out there (you know who you are) and go to sleep so I can continue my fabulous dreamage. Oh.. and I have a great pic of SOMEONE on my desktop. Very photogenic, VERY chic ;)
Love you alls! Hope my blog wasn't too unbearable.. I'm sure I'll read it tomorrow and be mortified.. for right now.. I'm typing with my eyes closed as I pass out. G'NIGHT!!!

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