This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

So far, it's only irritating.

I can't control it any longer. I HAVE to rip her a new one.. whether she knows it or not (since she never will) and whether anyone reading this cares.. it MUST be done. For those of you who figure out who this is pertaining to, please realize that I'm ranting and I don't hate her, I just need to let it out.

So.. Okay. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF PEOPLE FOR 4 DAYS OUT OF THE YEAR.. YOU ARE NOT THE END ALL BE ALL IN CHARGE OF EVERYTHING YOU EVER HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH!!! People ARE quite capable of functioning without you and your over-the-top-take-them-or-get-the-hell-out opinions. Not everyone enjoys being yelled at and degraded in front of other people. Not everyone wants to BE you or be WITH you. And.. YOU ARE NOT PRETTY!! YOU ARE NOT SKINNY ENOUGH TO WEAR LEGGINGS.. GET OVER THEM!!!

If I come over one more time, and have to listen to her flirt with or hang all over you-know-who, KNOWING that she ripped his heart out and smashed it through his windshield, I'M GOING TO SCREAM!! Just because he was all about you at some point, doesn't mean he still is. Doesn't mean you have license to take advantage of him or try to guilt him into doing things that he doesn't want to do. If you want to go to Wal-Mart, GO! He doesn't have to go with you! If you're going to have a party he doesn't HAVE to be there. Believe it or not, he may actually have more important things to do (*gasp* more important than you?!)

Okay.. I'm calm. I'm relaxed.. I'm feeling better. *whew*

I know it's pretty obvious who I'm talking about BUT it had to be said. I mean, if I can't go off about someone in my own blog, where can I? So yeah.. She's got great qualities, just not from my status at this point in time. From where I sit, things are much worse than they really would be to anyone else. Understandably so, given my friendship with a certain someone. HOWEVER.. HE doesn't know that I think these things.. He knows she irritates me for a lot of the same reasons Sarah does. That's it. I don't want to say bad things about her, cause she really isn't a bad person, and there are plenty of things that I like about her. From my current position in someone's life, I have serious issues with her.

K. Done. I'm out. LATE!

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