This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

SO true.

Okay. A few days ago, someone said something so simple, yet so profound. I've been thinking a lot about it, and it makes so much sense to me that it's a wonder it hasn't physically pained me to consider it as often as I have. Wow.. long sentence. SO.. I want to break it down. Hopefully I can get it out of my head by talking about it.. It's kinda getting a bit depressing actually.

"It's not called clingy. It's called needing to know that I'm wanted."

Simple right? SO.. Context aside, I think there is a huge difference between being clingy and wanting to be around the person you are, or want to be in a relationship with. If you're in a relationship, you should want to be with/around the person. Otherwise, why the hell are you in the relationship? And at that point, is it really called a relationship? I think not. Notice how people make assumptions about relationships based on how often the pair in question are seen together? Clingy is needlessly and CONSTANTLY being with the person. Here's the thing. I've been with people who are clingy. I've dumped them all. I am still an individual. I still have personal interests that my partner doesn't have to share. Talents, hobbies, traits.. Mine.. There is a difference between trying to "become one PERSON" and "become one IN PURPOSE". Working towards a common goal, fine.. Being the same person in two different bodies.. Not so much! It's also evident in jealousy. Meaning, when you are clingy, you get SUPER jealous if you aren't the one with the person. If you are just needing to be wanted, a phone call will do often. Any sort of contact is enough to keep you going. "I know he's thinking of me, cause he called me" kinda thing.

It sounds silly I'm sure, but it's liberating to have someone need to be wanted by you. Of course, the person wasn't talking about me per say, but to know that there is someone thinking of you and who wants you to be thinking of them, makes distances not so horrible. Still, nothing beats feeling his/her warmth beside you while watching a movie, playing games, reading, sleeping, etc. And not being clingy, doesn't mean you can't still miss them. And I find that all too often, I do.

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