This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Okay.. as you know, Jason proposed to Jamie on Wednesday. Freaking Sweet! BUT.. I have to update you on the happenings since my last blog. Goodness covered in chocolate and topped off with Christian Bale ensued (okay.. so I was making the Christian thing up, but HEY.. Don't smash a girls dreams).

Thursday evening, I was SUPPOSED to go play Gears of War with J. He got caught up in other things so I waited and waited, biding my time by chatting with quite possibly the sexiest man I know. I'd hoped to borrow a movie, and (we'll call him Beast) kindly offered to loan me his copy of the movie. Thinking that J was busy (although WAY closer) and I don't get to see Beast all that often, I decided to go pay him a visit. About 20 mins of chatting and one picture later, I was off to watch the Steve Carrell filled goodness that IS 40 Year Old Virgin.

So at 2:30 am, when I decided that I wouldn't be able to pull the all nighter I'd been planning (my mom, future sister-in-law, and I were to go combat shopping at 4am). I heard my mom getting sick (proof that too much of a good thing is still too much) and got to sleep in. We got to the stores too late for any of the fabulous deals, but had fun nonetheless. Afterward a haircut and some down time with Brielle, we decided to go get a few Christmas gifts. J calls and decides that he wanted to visit a store he hadn't been to in a while, so we met him at the mall, then went to dinner, then I was invited over for some Gears of War (FINALLY).

Saturday, after I got up, went home and grabbed my parents for bagels (Bagel Factory is good.. so you know), and hit the grocery store, I went back to J's for a LOTR marathon. Noon to 11:30pm is a LOT OF MOVIE!! Then of course, I HAD to watch Sin City on top of it. So once again, I ended up crashing there. We got up, hit the Peanut Farm with my parent's (Raven's vs Steelers=TOTAL INTERNAL CONFLICT), then went shopping, and then off to see the new Tenacious D flick which was VERY GOOD!!

So, the moral of the story is, Spending time with a cute guy (and a sexy one too) is fun. That's all. Lots of new movies, lots of rest and laziness.. All the best ingredients for a fabulous weekend.. YAY for Beast and J!!!

1 comment:

Thunderchops said...

Good to hear! I made about 30 people uncomfortable by wearing a shirt that said "Sinner" in big letters across the front to Thanksgiving dinner. Y'see, my wife kind of dared me too and we were having dinner with some very devout in-laws...