This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Letting it all go...

I have felt a comforting sense of peace lately. After lasts weeks stress (topped off by some over reacting), I have been able to put the brakes on my life and get control again. Things seem so clear now that I can't believe I was ever confused or clouded.

So, What it all really comes down to is someone is lying. Really, what about or who it is for sure doesn't matter. But her lying is much worse. As a best friend, she fails miserably, but she's a great ally. I just think she's very confused and needs someone to obsess over her, but not roll over for her. When she had it, she didn't know she needed it, and gave it up. I can't let her get too close now. She's changed. I can't let her tell me things that I know aren't true. At this point, she's the one who I should be wary of. When it comes right down to it, she needs to be wanted and the center of attention (whether she knows it or not). She's going to go out of her way to make sure that Jems likes her, regardless of me or my feelings. Whether he likes her or not, is irrelevent since we are not together, so her telling me that he is lying is irrelevent. It may serve to hurt my feelings, but I trust him more than her, so I choose to believe him. It IS possible to be friends with someone of the opposite sex, and NOT want to be WITH them. She's just so used to everyone wanting her, that she doesn't know what to do when someone doesn't. Bottom line, I was told that she wouldn't want to be my friend when I hit my weight goal, cause there is no way anyone would be able to focus on her, with me around. I would be too hot (a super great compliment and motivation, btw). Well, apparently, all I needed was a little confidence and she already can't handle it. I'm more focused on being a friend first, which makes me closer to all our guy friends.

ANYWAYS! I've started as a Passion Party Consultant. SO much fun! I'm trying to book as many shows as humanly possible cause I really want to make some extra money for the holidays. I have a birthday party or two to try to plan (yes, yours included.. you know who you are), and some fabulous gifting ideas that will cost a pretty penny, but be completely worth it.
I'm trying to work out as much as possible to hit my goal by June, and being more responsible to my parents. They are giving SO much to Brielle and I afterall. My priorities seem to be in order. I know who to trust, and who to befriend. I'm enjoying my friends and my crushes (Pat calls it a list, but there aren't that many actually). So yeah, life is good and I'm excited again to be here floating along, singing a song. Which reminds me. I'm thinking I'm going to record some loungy kinda songs.. Just for fun. Yee Haw!

Oh.. And I have to mention this great story that really needs to be read by everyone. It's a work in progress, so make sure you check back frequently. The guy who writes it (Rob) is a very talented guy. Musician, Podcaster (make sure to check out that link too), Writer, Tribe Moderator, Father, Husband.. All around great guy (Don't let you head get too big there, Chief! ;) ) But yeah.. If you like superheroes and great writing, definitely check it out..

Also, anyone who knows and loves (or at least likes) my brothers, definitely should think about coming to their birthday party on Wednesday (cause you know you don't have to work on Thursday). It's at 6pm, email me or comment me if you want directions. It's gonna be fun!


Thunderchops said...

Good to hear! It's always nice to know where those around you stand.

Someday when I get my sex toy business off the ground maybe you could be a regional seller. :P

Tell your bros Tiffany and I say "hi"!

Melody said...

Oh I will SO tell them hello, and I will DEFINITELY be your regional sales rep. As long as I get to come to see you for some "appointments". ;)

Anonymous said...

ahhhh nice blog interesting more than i thaught but honestly i had a feeling she wasnt telling the truth when we talked about it it just seemd like something she would do and i know it really sux but we all go thru it at one point...but u know its all good i still love ya!!!