This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Poor Little Bastard.....

Now, it may not come as a surprise that I've rolled over and taken a few for the team before. It may not come as a surprise that I've had my heart broken a few times (who hasn't, right?).

But honey, when you piss me off.. WATCH OUT! Apparently a certain SOMEONE decided that it would useful, and beneficial for him to try to use Sarah's and my problems to turn us against each other. Jems.. what the HELL were you thinking? Do you not realize that no matter how much your best friend pisses you off, they're still your BEST friend? No matter how irritated you get with each other, or how often you SWEAR you're done with each other, you're still BEST friends?? Did you not think we would figure it out sooner or later? Did you not think we would rectify the situation and become the vindictive little bitches that we are so capable of becoming? Wow, did you step deep into it this time?!

But, do you think we're gonna tell you? Oh no Sweetheart.. We're gonna play you! We're gonna play you like you're 80's Trivial Pursuit! You think I'm too sweet? Too emotional? Too "high school"? You're 31 years old, living with your ex, playing video games with your 22 year old friends, unable to make time for yourself and instead throwing yourself into more work than you can handle, complaining to everyone about everyone.. See, high school gets you ready for real life in a lot of different ways. It is a preparation for the social, employment, emotional, physical things that you'll be dealing with. So yeah.. I guess I do have a little bit of high school drama going on. But I know what is important to me, and if my caring too much about people means I'm acting like I'm in high school, then by all means, book me Dano, cause I'm guilty!

You will NEVER end up with her. No matter how soon her relationship with him ends. She's mine, dumbass. You're gonna be SO sad when you realize that you can't win. When you realize that you gave up the best thing that ever happened to you on a technicality. And when it's gone, it's gone. And you'll miss it SO much!! Cause you'll be looking right at it in all it's glory, and it'll call to you. But you'll never know. So sad.. Poor Jems!

1 comment:

Thunderchops said...

Kick his ass Sea Bass!