This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Feet, Bad XMas's, and A New Beginning.

Don't worry.. I'll get to it all. First the feet. You know, those things which I can't seem to keep out of my mouth. I swear, the taste of sweating socks is NOT on my list of favorite things. I just can't seem to get them out. My whole life, but apparently PMS means Put Mouth around Sock. I keep (kept) saying and doing things that I didn't mean to, or that gave the wrong impression. Now I have to recover. Getting hammered and drunk texting doesn't help either. Which I will NEVER do again (you all say it and repeat the deed, but I WILL NOT!)

Christmas Eve was great. Other than that, my 4 day weekend pretty close to sucked. I'll start at the beginning. So, Saturday I went to a Christmas party. Things were great, til I caught wind of someone talking about me (and I still don't know what was said), but it made me worry nonetheless, that it would effect my friendship with someone else. Of course, that would never happen. I'm just so used to NOT being able to trust people that it's a difficult adjustment to make. So I stayed for a while, then went home and vegged. Which reminds me, Tom and I are good to go again.. And ya know, thank goodness, cause I really miss him a lot. He's a great guy (sometimes immature, but I'm certainly NOT one to talk) and a super supportive friend. Anyways. Christmas Eve I got to wrap presents, hang out with Brielle and clean. Then after her nap, Brie got a bath and into her SUPER cute outfit that Fran got her. After a quick trip for more stocking stuffers, we went home to find Jake and Fran there and the present opening ensued. I got TONS of fabulous stuff. I really loved my Cardinals jersey. And this isn't just ANY jersey. It's a World Series Chaps jersey.. Oh, but not from '06. NO! It's from 1982!! HELLZ YEAH BABY!! I'm LOVIN it! So yeah.. good times. We sang happy birthday to a super cute guy, and then we went to see the lights on Bayshore. I stayed the night with Fran, and the next day got to spend the day with her. It wasn't too bad actually. I got to be there when the family opened presents, then we went to a movie. The next day I just chilled with Brielle and then later that night went out and got more drunk than I have ever, and ever want to be again. It was the most horrible experience of my life. NEVER AGAIN! OMG..

So, since I was so "hormonal" and missing people who were too busy to spend much time with me over the last few weeks, I decided to splurge and get a hotel room for New Years. That and a horse drawn carriage ride should smooth things over, and give us time to talk ourselves back on track. I'm so excited. So yeah.. That will be the new beginning of the new year, and the new friendship. I'm pumped!

BUT! Enough about me. How was your weekend? I've been feeling kinda lonely lately, and I completely intend to fix that, so drop me a line, or gimme a call and say hi! I love you all!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i sory i sorry i sorry i sorry but i loe love love love love you,...,.,,.,,..,., much and had a great time on christmas...and geeze didnt mention ANYTHING i got u wow good to know u likes them anyway im just playin ill talk to you later love ya sis IN LAW!!!!