So, friends with benefits time is over. Which is okay, cause it wasn't really a very regular thing anyways. And I'd rather have the benefit of being with someone who wants a relationship (THAT kind of relationship). Kisses are great, but empty ones, not so much. There is emotion there, but not the kissing kind of emotion. If he feels something more than just friends, he'll have to pursue it the right way.
Meanwhile, I'm getting my list of lounge music together. The Christmas songs are great, cause a lot of them are done by Frank Sinatra, and he's the perfect role model for what I want to do. Gimme a few suggestions if you find something loungy in the alto/tenor range that you think could be sexy if it were done right. I'm working out again getting ready. I need to have some stuff for June too. I figure there's no reason why I can't be singing and flirting and flaunting my super hot body during fair (cause mark my words. It WILL be by then.. If it KILLS ME!)
Bueno.. Tomorrow I have to change Parker's water and make sure Gusser is getting enough moisture.. DON"T LEMME FORGET!! Love you all!
1 comment:
Don't forget to change Parker's water and make sure Gus has moisture.
If you're making a mix cd of lounge music include some Richard Cheese.
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