This is the place where I can "let my hair down". My personal journal, being sent into the void! Don't be offended, don't be appauled, just be entertained by the freaky way my head works and try not to hold it against me!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Friends are Friends Forever!!

So, here I am. Hanging out with the HOTTEST GUY EVER!! Talking to the OTHER hottest guy ever!! Waiting for the OTHER hottest guy ever! Whew.. Too many hottest guys ever for me! I'm getting overwhelmed.

So, I have to bitch about something, cause you know.. this is ME we're talking about. And I've decided that today I'm kinda irritated with airlines. You know, when you sell a ticket to ANCHORAGE, you should fly the freaking plane to, oh I don't know.. ANCHORAGE maybe?! ERG.. SO I missed the gym (cause I'm a tard, and can't go by myself) AND Friday's.. Stupid Alaskan Airlines.. Oh well..

K. Not much of a complaint really, cause life is good. But what the hell is up with my ex asking me on a date and all of a sudden complimenting me like I care anymore? Duh.. As if I'd want to go out for old time's sake, when old time's sake means manipulation and deceit? Whatever!!

And lemme just give a shout out to Frank, Jake, and Tom. For being three of the coolest guys ever!! Cause you know.. I have crushes on all of them (well, I'm technically stalking Frank, so I guess not really ALL three of them but yea!) Love you guys! You all ROCK! And if you ever stop being my friends, it'll be an unfillable void eternally! *winks*

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